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CASA of Hill County - Montana -- Serving Hill, Chouteau and Liberty Counties.   

Volunteer - Apply today!


Advocate Form

Application for CASA Advocate
Personal Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Are you 21+ years old?
CASA volunteers must be 21+ years old.
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Educational History
Do you have training, certification, or experience in … (select all that apply)
Work History (Last 5 years or 3 employers, starting with the most recent)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Start Date
End Date
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Start Date
End Date
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Start Date
End Date
Volunteer History

Please provide 3 references (at least 1 professional reference; no more than 1 relative)

First Name *
Last Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
First Name *
Last Name *

Any applicant found to have been convicted of, or having charges pending for, a felony or misdemeanor involving a sex offense, child abuse or neglect, or related acts that would pose risks to children or the CASA program’s credibility will not be accepted as a volunteer.

Affirmation & Release

I, hereby affirm that all of the answers provided on my volunteer application are true. I hereby authorize CASA of Hill County to investigate my background to determine my fitness as a potential volunteer. I understand that the information requested in this application will be used only for the purpose of determining suitability as a CASA volunteer. I am aware of the sensitive and confidential nature of the official documents, reports and other materials I will examine in my capacity as a volunteer or guardian ad litem. I will discuss these matters only with those persons directly involved in the case, including the CASA Director and other CASA volunteers who may be involved or who will be consulted for professional knowledge and expertise. Further, I will immediately notify my CASA Director of any conflicts of interest with a case I may be assigned so it can be assigned to an impartial CASA volunteer without threat of influence from my knowledge.

First Name *
Last Name *

Our Sponsors and Partners

  • The Foster Closet, Havre, Montana
    Amanda Christofferson, Director

  • Early Childhood Investment Team
    Early Childhood Investment Team

    The Hill County Early Childhood Investment Team's purpose is to invest in and support early childhood needs in our community.

    We will
    • Support families to raise healthy productive children.
    • Reduce risk indicators and increase positive outcomes for children.
    • Increase stronger sense of community among residents.