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CASA of Hill County - Montana -- Serving Hill, Chouteau and Liberty Counties.   

Volunteer - Apply today!


Non-Advocate Volunteer

In an overburdened social welfare system, abused and neglected children often slip through the cracks. That’s where CASA volunteers like you can help make a difference.

Appointed by family court judges, CASA volunteers typically handle one case at a time until the child is placed in a safe, permanent home. Other people come and go in the child’s life, but their CASA volunteer provides a constant presence the child needs to thrive and move on with their life.

Volunteers start by getting to know everyone in that child's life: parents and relatives, foster parents, teachers, medical professionals, attorneys, social workers and others. They use the information they gather to inform judges and others of what the child needs and what will be the best permanent home for them.

You do not have to be a lawyer or social worker to be a volunteer. We welcome people from all walks of life. We are simply looking for people who care about children and have common sense. As a volunteer, you will be thoroughly trained and well supported by professional staff to help you through each case.

You must pass a background check, participate in a 30-hour pre-service training course and agree to stay with a case until it is closed (a year and a half on average). Read more about the requirements and role of being a CASA volunteer.

Interested in helping children but not ready to commit to becoming a volunteer advocate? Learn about other volunteer opportunities. 

  • Word of mouth – recruit volunteers to become CASAs.
  • Provide refreshments for our monthly trainings
  • Collect items on our CASA Wish List and Foster Closet Wish List.
  • Organize Foster Closet
  • Sharing our Facebook page and website 
  • Post our flyers in your business - staff rooms, bulletin boards
Volunteer Opportunities Available
First Name *
Last Name *
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City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *

Our Sponsors and Partners

  • The Foster Closet, Havre, Montana
    Amanda Christofferson, Director

  • Early Childhood Investment Team
    Early Childhood Investment Team

    The Hill County Early Childhood Investment Team's purpose is to invest in and support early childhood needs in our community.

    We will
    • Support families to raise healthy productive children.
    • Reduce risk indicators and increase positive outcomes for children.
    • Increase stronger sense of community among residents.